Internal Investigations
Workplace Integrity: Responding to Allegations of Harassment, Misconduct, or Abuse
Lars Liebeler has conducted a wide range of internal corporate and institutional investigations involving allegations of wrongdoing in the following areas:
Financial and accounting mismanagement including allegations of fraud and embezzlement;
Institutional child and minor sexual harassment and abuse;
Workplace harassment including racial, sexual, and hostile work environment;
Violation of workplace standards of conduct and ethical rules.
Mr. Liebeler has been the lead investigator in matters ranging from child sex abuse allegations involving a large religious institution in Maryland, to allegations of hostile work environment within a non-profit charitable organization in Washington, D.C., and to sexual harassment and hostile work environment allegations at a large community recreation facility in Virginia.
The direction of each internal investigation is dictated by the individual facts specific to the work environment. Independent investigations are conducted with rigor, depth, confidentiality, and impartiality. An independent investigator may not prejudge the outcome of any investigation nor assume that allegations of improper conduct are in fact true. The goal of all investigations is to arrive at the truth, and to make specific recommendations to insure that the subject institution is in compliance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
The best way out is always through.